Mountain Course Power Rankings - SUMMER 2020 UPDATE


It's been a while since I have written anything #GolfLifeAB related (we'll say my excuse is that I've been playing too much...) so pardon my rusty word play or not-as-sharp wit that you all came to know and love. But with the season coming to an end it's time to start looking back at the year that was. And since I played TWO of Alberta's mountain tracks this summer we HAVE to take another look at my Power Rankings.

And they're back and in a big way.

For the last update on what the Power Rankings looked like last year click here!

What's Left?

So the big course that was crossed off the list this year was Crowsnest Pass (and you're going to have to read a little bit more to see where it debuts on the list) but I also played Kananaskis' Mt. Kidd for the first time since the restoration and that definitely deserved to be re-evaluated in the official standings as well.

So all that's left is Waterton Lakes Golf Course and Canmore Golf and Curling Club to complete the full Alberta mountain golf Power Rankings. See you both in 2021.

Well, let's get to it...

For those that are unfamiliar to the Power Rankings I'll preface the rest of the article with this quick explanation...

Let's be honest with each other and clear the air, this isn't the Score Golf Top 100 rankings. The only thing these lists will have in common is a few courses that appear on both.

I like golf a lot, I like playing our amazing mountain golf courses, and these rankings look to celebrate how lucky we are to have the options that we do right in our backyards. There isn't a science to this, no formula, no categories that rack up to a total score (math is too hard for this guy), but is just the opinion of an avid, joe-public golfer, and more importantly, someone who wants to promote Alberta golf and give it the recognition it deserves.

And perhaps it ruffles some feathers and stirs the pot a little...

The Rankings

With a course being added to the list these two get bumped down in the standings. Don't sleep on either of these though, great value for some mountain golf that can round out any buddies trip.

9. Brewster's Kananaskis Ranch Golf Course

8. Hinton Golf Course

Now things start getting interesting...

From here in all of these courses can be flipped in everyone's own rankings and it would make complete sense. It just comes down to personal preference. But it has to be said that golf in the Canmore area could be some of the best in the world.

7. Kananaskis Country Golf Course - Mt. Lorette

6. Fairmont Banff Springs

5. Kananaskis Country Golf Course - Mt. Kidd


I had first played Kananaskis back in 2010 when I was but a wee lad and for some reason I had a tough time remembering Kidd. So in a way, this past July when I revisited this course, it was like I got to play a new course for the first time. I felt like a kid at Christmas.

There are definitely holes that you recognize having seen them from a number of different social outlets, the tee shot on hole 3 pictured above or the par 3 4th right after, but playing them in person still makes you take a second to collect yourself from the surrounding scenery. And those are just two of the awesome holes on what could be the most fun, front nine in the province.

There's just something about walking up top by the clubhouse as you stare out and see the whole Kananskis property that gives you goosebumps. You feel like a longtime member by how well you are treated by all the staff and there's just a sense of how much this place means to the Alberta golf community and even the identity of the province.

4. Stewart Creek

In all honesty I owe Stewy another visit. While I had an amazing time making my debut on the Alberta Golf Tour two years ago, there's something about being in  a tournament and not playing with your buddies that may have taken away from the overall experience. Guess I just have to go play it again, darn... 

3. Crowsnest Pass Golf Club

It took 2 years and a lot of harrassing from the team over at Crowsnest Pass Golf Club but I finally made the trip down south along Highway 22 (the drive alone is unreal) and was abolutely BLOWN AWAY from my time there. I played a lot of golf this past summer but I can honestly say the round at Crowsnest Pass was the most fun I had on a golf course in 2020.


This course was not on my radar, not even a blip, until 2 years ago when there was news about a renovation to a majority of the golf course that also included a brand spanking new clubhouse. And now I want to make sure I go back every single year.

My full experience at Crowsnest will have to have its own article but there's just a vibe from the course, the staff, and the patio (yes, even the patio was speaking to me that day) that gives you the full mountain experience but without the big price tag. And that by itself is sooo refreshing. 

I'll wrap up this Power Rankings debut for Crowsnest Pass Golf Club by simply saying: go play it - you have to. It's number 3 on my list for a reason.

2. Silver Tip

I'm a sucker for the 3 sisters and that patio. Inject that straight into my Instagram feed.

And Still...

1. Jasper Park Lodge

I think this place will have to be somehow erased from planet earth or my memory completely wiped for this to not be #1.  Why I didn't play it this year is beyond me. Espeically after being crowned #GolfLifeAB's Favourite Golf Course of 2020!

As always guys, I'd love to hear your thoughts on our amazing mountain golf courses, what you think of the list, and what your own power rankings would look like! 

I should also apologize for the lack of content from your favourite Alberta blogger. There's a lot cooking at the moment so expect more of me in your timelines in the coming month!


#GolfLifeAB Podcast - Season 3, Episode 7 - We're Baaaack ... with the Crowsnest Crew


2020 Alberta Golf Course Openings