To my number one fan
If #neilerknows one thing is that I am DEFINITELY a momma's boy. On this very special Sunday this week's blog will share my never ending appreciation for my mother.
For those of you that don't listen to the #GolfLifeAB podcast it is mentioned quite often how much my mother is my biggest (and only) fan. She leaves regular comments on the weekly posts, provides notes and feedback when I pose questions to the Golf Life Alberta community and is just generally very supportive of my new journey into the blogging world. Lana is becoming quite the golf nut. Regardless if I was blogging about bird watching or modern day architecture she'd be supportive and continue to read whatever I had to say on any topic.
But her love for golf and her son has been conveniently placed in one spot. She's become a regular listener of the podcast (a word and concept I'm sure she only familiarized herself with in 2019), is very interested in our content that comes out of different parts of the province, and gets to talk about the interesting topics we discuss with her Tuesday Ladies League.
She'll love the BBLGG shoutout.
Golf with my mom is always fun even and it's nice that we can share something that allows us to spend some time together, that's fun (apart from trying to get it over the water on the 2nd hole of Broadmoor), and usually involves a couple cold Bud Light Limes on the patio after a hot summer afternoon on the links.
But remember mom, your hybrid is your friend. You got to believe me when I say it will help you!
But today it is my turn to repay the very small favour of bringing me into this world, raising me to become the superstar internet sensation I am, and allowing me to still live in your "basement". I'm hoping that saying this so publicly on this platform can at least express some of my gratitude for all that you do and have done for me. Thanks for everything mom. Love: Son-shine.
I feel bad for my sister and all of the Brownie points I'm going to get for this. And Happy Mother's day to all of the mom's that are reading. I'm hoping everyone got to spend some quality time with their mom's, wives, and family's celebrating the important ladies of our lives. As Kevin Durant so eloquently said about his own mom.