GolfLifeAB / Alberta Golf Tour

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Creating Content: Course Reviews

Okay, course reviews. They’ve been done before and the format seems to be similar depending on who your course review person is. I don’t have one of those guys; I usually just go play the course and make an opinion based on my experience. But this is Golf Life AB we’re talking about here. We want to give you the all the ins and outs of everything golf related that our province has to offer so naturally course reviews makes sense for us to do.

Now I would be honoured if you plan on adopting me as your course review “guy” going forward but my plan with this series of potential articles is to be more than what you see from Bob Weeks advertising Assante Wealth Management during a commercial break of your favourite PGA Tour event. Nothing against Bob the guy is an absolute legend.

So this is where you, the viewer comes in. I have some ideas on how to make these different and maybe a little more of an interactive experience but at the end of the day it’s about what you want to hear. So I ask you:

  1. What’s the most important factor you make when you choose a golf course to play at? (green speeds vs. play-ability)

  2. When you go search for golf courses online what are you looking for? (pictures of the views vs. when twilight starts)

  3. What would you like to know about a course prior to you playing it? (dress code vs. beer selections vs. their signature hole?)

  4. Where haven’t you played that you would love to get the deets on?

  5. Do you care what a guy says about a golf course that you've never met?

I want to make this an in depth as needed for you as a golfer but as fun and interactive as possible for you as a viewer. I am, after all, a man of the people and Neiler knows that golfers deserve to know what’s out there for them before they go spending their hard earned bucks at a potential new track they’ve been eyeing up. So hit us up in the comments and interact with us on Twitter at @GolfLifeAB and @10Neiler to tell us what you think about course reviews.