GolfLifeAB / Alberta Golf Tour

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My Good Buddy Dustin Johnson

I was thinking about what I should discuss in this week’s article. With it snowing here in Alberta and The PGA Tour moving on to its final tournament next week the end of the golf season is coming closer and closer. I already made my Fed Ex Cup picks, we have a bye week on Tour, the Ryder Cup isn’t until the end of the month - what’s there to talk about? And then the stars aligned and news about my favourite golfer popped up this weekend. Wayne Gretzky, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, and Tiger Woods. What could these four people potentially have in common? Apart from being filthy rich and super famous they are probably the four people that I would pass on Christmas Dinner with my family in a heartbeat. Sorry fam. But you know who has a yearly invite (or at least had) to The Great One’s table every December 25? My good buddy Dustin Johnson. And for whatever reason his thick skull has decided to put that in jeopardy. So I’m going to be a little selfish here first. If I was in DJ’s shoes (yuck I’m shivering just thinking about it) I have the perfect life. Not only am I the most physically gifted golfer in the world but I am dating the daughter of Wayne Gretzky. I’m living the dream of every Oiler fan. I’m making millions of dollars to play golf and I am backed by the house of 99. But I guess that isn’t enough for the big man as the rumour is he has been seeing a “lady friend” on the side and that this “friendship” has not been received positively by Paulina and the Gretzky family. I WONDER WHY. Twitter was ablaze after Paulina had “deleted” all of her pictures featuring the 2016 US Open Champion from her Instagram this past weekend. Scandalous, I know. I’ll be honest I’m not the biggest fan of Paulina (have you heard of a turtleneck girl?) but the two of them together made sense. But no one deserves to be messed around with. Especially when you’ve given birth to two sons and stuck by the man through an "alleged" drug problem and a major rehabilitation of his personal and professional life. And I'd go on to say that she was probably a big reason for his resurgence from one of the most talented golfers in the world to one of the world's best. My reasons for disliking the guy really just stem from the fact that he is very good at golf, has little emotion, and isn’t all that interesting. A golfer with his skill set could be such an amazing draw for the fringe golf fan and it goes to waste. And now he disrespect’s the house of The Great One?! That’s the last straw. Sorry DJ, but shaving your beard won’t clean up your image. I hope you go winless at the Ryder Cup (sorry Brooks) and Wayne banishes you from existence. And who are you trying to fool with this nonsense, like c’mon: And don’t you dare don the blue and orange again! Or you’ll have me to answer to. So, who’s side are you on? Team DJ or Team Paulina? I’ll just leave it that I am Team Gretzky. Let me know by interacting with @GolfLifeAB and myself at @10Neiler on Twitter or by leaving some comments down below!